Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Too many Ufos in the UK - whats going on ???

Guys the Uk seems to be swarming with Ufo reports ever since the June the 7th ufo sighting over Cardiff!. Is this just all media hype or a genuine mass sighting? Although some have now been attributed to lanterns many other sightings in the Uk remain unexplained. I find it hard to believe that people all over the UK are letting off laterns every day, the sightings seem non stop = have people noticed any trends in movements of Ufos over the UK?, here are two more reports:

Basingstoke Hampshire:
Witnesses claim that a fleet of 12 orange objects were seen in the night sky above the Hampshire town for half an hour.

The suspected 'extra-terrestrial' objects were videoed by David Osborne, whose two daughters Natalie, 20, and Charlotte, 18, were also mystified by the strange phenomena.

The family had just sat down to watch 'Independence Day', the film about an alien invasion, when they saw the lights at 10.40 pm on Saturday.

Clapham Bedfordshire Video
Footage shot by eagle-eyed resident after sighting in Clapham
Paranormal activity is suspected above the streets of Bedfordshire, after a UFO was caught on film in Clapham.

The group Scope-Paranormal.com has been analysing footage which was captured by an eagle-eyed resident at 9.45pm on Saturday, June 7.
It shows seven red lights moving in formation for around two-and-a-half minutes.

And the group, which covers Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire, have stated a very similar incident was reported by three police officers who were travelling in a force helicopter in South Wales the same evening.
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Anonymous said...

gonna have a ufo party! everyone's invited

Q said...

OK, so it's kinda thrilling to imagine that we're seeing ET spacecraft, but look at the effort people have put into making crop circles. Now for under a fiver you can put a seriously bright (>3Watt) LED and lithium battery in a helium balloon and create your own fleet of UFOs. When such simple explanations have equal explanatory power I think we really ought to moderate our excitement until such time as we have something more than a fuzzy image of glowing dots in the sky.

Q said...

OK, so it's kinda thrilling to imagine that we're seeing ET spacecraft, but look at the effort people have put into making crop circles. Now for under a fiver you can put a seriously bright (>3Watt) LED and lithium battery in a helium balloon and create your own fleet of UFOs. When such simple explanations have equal explanatory power I think we really ought to moderate our excitement until such time as we have something more than a fuzzy image of glowing dots in the sky.

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