If you live in Mendocino and actually spotted this RealUfos wants to hear from you as a reply to this post so we can work out what it was.
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I can tell you one thing, that's none of earth flying aircraft or kite or weather balloon as we are often told to believe!!!
If it were a reflection of some normal type of aircraft, wouldn't it be moving either right or left, or closer or farther away?
If it were a flare, wouldn't it have been dropping lower in the sky over time?
If it's CGI, it's damn good....looks like an actual video to me....but I'm no expert, either. I'd say this is a true unknown.
Oh my gooooooood! What a gigantic piss take!
Oh my goooooood! who turned the lights out?
A quality blank black screen!
What the!?.....?:-) yeah right!
a true unknown.
Apologies!....The first time I ran the vid....got blank screen! what the:.....?
the second time,with more luck,
good clear view, SO, must be having video loading problems!?
Good clear view though!....?
Having trouble with video loading
Oh my goood! I wouldn't zoom in either if I would see an UFO. Don't simply believe in every >= 720p video about UFOs that you can find on YouTube. This one is most likely CGI.
well i doubt its a lens flare as the sun has seemed to already set behind the mtns, but whatever is there it is either reflecting the sun from behind the horizon or its emitting its own light source. interesting...
If you watch the very beginning, the lights start glowing when he is calm and holding camera dead on it, implies he's just shooting a background plate. If he had to aim the camera to capture the event, there would be some jerking motion and he would be breathing a little heavier. In fact he never moves the camera, perhaps to make the video editing easier.
Or he's using a piece of glass in front of the camera trick. I call fake. It's too perfect, just like the Jerusalem one.
It's fake. Adobe After Effects. Using the wire and mountains for tracking the camera shuffle. Lame. These are the easiest to do. Same light filter the other clown used in Jerusalem footage. They're coming out of the woodwork now.
I would bet it is related to the northern lights. It dances very similar to some of the ones seen in the north. I would wager that the northern lights were quite bright that same evening further north.
Bad music!
Why does everyone nowadays have to edit music into their videos? The more filmediting the less I believe that a recording is genuine, the more I get suspicious.
What this object is? I have no idea. Could be a real UFO but I tend to believe it's a CGI composition. Too much details for such a great distance. The edges of the blinking object appear too sharp to be of an object floating in air.
A true UFO believer who gets sick of edited / composed videos.
swamp Gas LOL
looks like the same effects the cousin brothers use. looks like cg too me
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