Wednesday, September 01, 2010

South American Broadcast captures alien?

A weird one here .. was it a small kid or some alien? Captured during a south american live Tv broadcast on the 8th August 2010 .
What are your thoughts?
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Anonymous said...

It's a hoax because the alien's shadow is facing 2 o'clock, but her face is lit up by the sun from the right.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the 2009 peru stickman alien - and that was a branch of a bush.
But who knows.... it looks definitely odd! Something about the "shadow" seems strange, can not tell what...

Hieronymus Braintree said...

Um, if an actual alien was walking in front of a film crew, doncha think someone who was actually there would have noticed?

Anonymous said...

MATT!..Hello!?? missed that one!??

Anonymous said...

Faker than my girlfriends boobs

Anonymous said...

What would an alien be doing in such close proximity to the broadcasters, just happened to walking around aimlessly? and carrying luggage at that.

Anonymous said...

Out-of-focus kid walking a dog. Sites like this shouldn't be so hospitable to the weekly dreck from

Anonymous said...

Amiga quality graphics - someone still using Video Toaster ? ;-)

Push Back said...

Fake. The alien pops into view at the same time video starts. It's a wonder the fakers have the brain power to put one foot in front of the other.

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