Friday, February 08, 2013

UFO Sightings in Eagle Ford, Texas February 5, 2013

Once again East Texas is seeing a surge in UFO reports. Below is yet again another news report.
The question yet to be solved - is this some strange drone craft or truly something out of this world?
Note: If you live in the area we would like to hear from you if have seen any similar objects as those reported.

Videos from oil workers and eyewitness accounts from ranchers beg the question: Are we alone? It seems like UFO sightings are occurring more frequently over the Eagle Ford Shale. 
Some can be explained, but some sightings cannot. "About 10-percent of them, those are the ones that will make your eyes roll around and around in your head," said David MacDonald, executive director of the Mutual UFO Network. 
"We can't figure it out." "They started blinking," said Penny Farrell, a South Texas rancher. "One, two, three, like bing bing bing bing bing bing." Farrell and her husband, Jerry, saw those lights just above the horizon from the back porch of their South Texas ranch last November.
 There were no pictures; just memories. "All at once, they went back over here to this tree, but they were a little higher," Farrell said. Source
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I work for air traffic control in england, and on average between 5 and 7 UFOs are reported by pilots every single month......

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