Wednesday, June 13, 2012
UFO Like Drone- Scott Air Force Base, Illinois
Some further footage of the UFO like drone seen in Illinois, that was featured in the news recently . If you also saw it in action or would like to comment further, please reply to this post. This drone has definitely made many heads turn during transport:
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Mmm! SLEEK!...Jet powered! but can this thing Hover?..........
UFOLOGY, just got harder!?
What a useful, clever trick...?
Meaning! sort the sightings out!?................
its a drone. nothing special, again
Suuuure this gets posted in the media.... Just a wild guess, another government maneuver to disprove UFO objects. Let's just show this man made one to the public. Could certainly win 1st place in science fair project. Kudos!
exactly what i've been thinking!they built a drone that looks like a ufo,thinking they have a new smokescreen!,thinking they can program society to believe that what they have been seeing all along are drones.they under estimate peoples intelligence.what they did not consider is,(hovering,and silence),and besides,sightings are more frequent now,and they can no longer coverup everything!!!!the gig is up!!!!!
EXACTLY!!! and good on you, for having said it, ALTHOUGH!? this thing will not be able to...zigzag up,down, & round about, & stop on a dime!? does leave a bit of room, to determine the difference, in sightings for some, but! might not be that easy.
A Silver lining to all this? could be...IF !...NEGATIVE ETs; with not our best interest in mind, come down, then how affective could these Drones be....THEN!?
I have my doubts!? wild,eh!:/......
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