Saturday, July 25, 2009

Obama Press Secretary Gibbs asked when will we see UFO Disclosure?

July 24, 2009 on C-SPAN White house Press Secretary Gibbs gets asked the question on all our minds - what is the Obama Administration doing about the pressing need for Ufo disclosure - and the presidents call for transparency in all departments:
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Hunter said...

is it me of this guy is laying!!..
sooner of later the truth will be OUT!

l2 said...

asking the puppet of the puppet?

rofl. good luck, you'll need it.

Anonymous said...

The more I wait for disclosure to happen (10 years), the more I believe people are not ready.

We DON'T NEED GOVERNMENTS to tell the story, WE as PEOPLE must unite and organize a MASSIVE PUBLIC CONTACT EVENT (possibly lead by dr. Greer or sbd), which would undeniably go into meanstream media and put governments to shame for keeping a secret.

WE NEED to GO for it FROM THE OTHER END of the ROPE !!!

Anonymous said...

The more I wait for disclosure to happen (10 years), the more I believe people are not ready.

We DON'T NEED GOVERNMENTS to tell the story, WE as PEOPLE must unite and organize a MASSIVE PUBLIC CONTACT EVENT (possibly lead by dr. Greer or sbd), which would undeniably go into meanstream media and put governments to shame for keeping a secret.

WE NEED to GO for it FROM THE OTHER END of the ROPE !!!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, disclosure won't happen with this administration. Mr. Obama is and will continue to be embroiled in the economic crisis on earth. This will continue to be a distraction for him for the rest of this term and he will attempt to appease the population with battling this issue, which is a very earth-related one a that. He will not have time, nor will he be advised to "look skyward" as many still view this topic of extraterrestrial visitation as a waste of time and nonbeneficial to earth's people during this time economic chaos.

markymint said...

Brilliant. This is top class news. The guy who rang did a FINE job AND, you expertly told this guy to take it seriously, and he DID, to an extent. Alright, so his answer was a touch afray, but this is brilliant none the less and the way the question was conducted was quite an inspiration. The question is when will these Obama Adminsitrations stop believing we care about their personal opinions, and just get some goddamn answers for once.

Anonymous said...

Obama is a fraud please make it stop,and everyone who cannot see clearly that Obama lie about everything and he is worse than bush
in fact they are the same shit but they only different assholes, please look around you go to california vaccant malls and its only the begening, and please stop about posting BS about obama and the ufo disclosure coz if there is still anyone who have hope for this i think you belong in a mental hospital, please read between the lines everything obama has said is the oposite , my only hope for obama and ufos is that i hope ufos or ETS can make obama desapear, him and all is crooks pals at the FEDS, dream on retard this will never happen not under this obama retard circus..

freq said...

To first anonymous:

Who died and elected you pope of disclosure? Deciding for other folks that you 'think' they are not ready.

You have no right to make that decisision for me.

And btw: disclosure already happened in 2001.

2001 Press Club Conference.

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