Monday, November 15, 2010

Battle of the Ufo movies ! Skyline is out and new Battle : Los Angeles trailer

Hollywood seems to have a battle of its own recently, between the 2 new Ufo movies Skyline and soon to be released Battle: Los Angeles. With the court cases out the the way Skyline has been raced out for release and is now in cinemas.This sci-fi thriller is based on dire and alarmist warnings of Dr Steven Hawking from earlier this year. Battle of LA is based on a modern reinterpretation of the true (but long forgotten) story of a Ufo battle that actually happened over LA back in 1942 (read more about this here).
Many people in the Ufo community dislike the fear based approach both these movies portray on the Ufo subject , particularly the underlying message that public should perceive Ufos as a threat rather than foe.. Would like your comments on this and if you have seen Skyline please let us know what you thought of the movie.
Battle of LA - new trailer just out -

Skyline - now out Have you seen it? what did you think?
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Anonymous said...

Scary!..Great graphics!..Realistic!
Who would attack like this? & WHY??
What are we going to do? What can we do? An emotional summary!
Looks like a good movie!?.....

Anonymous said...

Skyline was a fun movie to watch, but was a little too much of a Resistance rip off to me. Even though I believe it is possible I highly doubt this is how it will go down.

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