Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What ? October 14th of 2008 - Ufo Landing hype?

If you have been on any forums the word is going around that a huge ufo is going to show its presence on October the 14th 2008. I am very wary of this especially because the source is from a channeler who represents the 'galatic federation of light'. Anyways may of you do believe this is going to happen - or do you? - comments welcome, extracts of the channelers comments below,

I would like to share. I would like to confirm Blossom Good Childs message that I have also received and it’s wonderful news that this year on October 14th the GFL will show up in a super galactic space ship beyond human comprehension in size. I have channeled some of the details about the ship and it will be around 2,000 of our earth miles in diameter and will send loving messages to all the people of the world. This ship will cover entire cities and circle areas of earth for 3 days, no sky will be seen upon it’s arrival for those viewing it and this will cause panic among the masses but we shall not fear because they are here to reveal to the world that it’s time for our awakening, it’s time to realize we are not alone and that we are being watched over by a benevolent group of loving ET’s who look almost identical to us and consider us family in the stars.

They have carefully selected this time to show up and are doing it out of goodwill because of the great evils behind this world that we as humans cannot see for this cause they have decided to take action before it‘s to late, they do love us and care for us like family, they realize most of us our blind to the truths of this world and being controlled by something we do not really fully understand.
more here Rate this posting:


Anonymous said...

who knows?

we'll see soon enough, thank goodness it's not some date 10-20 years in the future. even if it's a hoax ;)

but, I wouldn't bet on it.

I would bet on the fact, that if there is bigtime UFO event, it's a staged human one.

thegavino said...

Sounds like new age stuff. I don't buy it: first I would like to see the source for this information. second, everything we can point to is that the"space brothers" are liars and are hostile.

Anonymous said...

We need awakening

Is the mankind ready for this? Is the individual ready for this?

Mere words will not help us. And love which is not yet developed how can it include an even bigger frame when we are not ready to have love for everyone, no matter which religion, which nationality and which color that person belongs to?

We need to put our words into practice in order to live a practical love and life, to be of service to mankind...then we have a chance to bring a big change, then we may understand the bigger frame, means to love and understand our brothers and sisters from other far places and dimensions. we all have responsibility, each and everyone of us, to bring this change, to make this change come true.

so we have to start with ourselves. not to see the mistakes of others but to see one's own mistakes and weed them out. no longer we should violate others in thoughts, words and deeds. then respect will grow. as we all are residing in the ONE why don't we treat us as one family, as brothers and sisters? when we are ready to accept us as brothers and sisters then we are ready for our kosmic brothers and sisters...

Anonymous said...

1 word crack !

Gary P said...

I saw this video for the first time last night while seaching on youtube, and well... I just don't know. Scary as hell though.

Seem like they are pretty convinced though. Technically they are stocking their reputation as a channeller on the line, and if it doesn't happen they are proven a fraud. Hard to say.

"Crash" said...

I have been researching ufo activity, visitations, and channeling for some time now (20 so years). I have yet to find any account of actual alien visitation to any large group of people at a particular time based on the supposed contact a person has with said ET. Since the 50's and 60's on there have been individuals (George Adamski, Nancy Leder, etc.) who claim visits or psychic messages from ETs. None...NONE...have shown any evidence of a visit from or a landing of a ship from ET's. I would love to believe this, but I also realise as a psychologist that many people are lonely, compulsive liers, cons scraping a buck, or people with schizophrenia.

"Crash" said...

I have been researching ufo activity, visitations, and channeling for some time now (20 so years). I have yet to find any account of actual alien visitation to any large group of people at a particular time based on the supposed contact a person has with said ET. Since the 50's and 60's on there have been individuals (George Adamski, Nancy Leder, etc.) who claim visits or psychic messages from ETs. None...NONE...have shown any evidence of a visit from or a landing of a ship from ET's. I would love to believe this, but I also realise as a psychologist that many people are lonely, compulsive liers, cons scraping a buck, or people with schizophrenia.

Anonymous said...

She's kinda hot.

Anonymous said...

she's seems to be a nice crack head girl....

Anonymous said...

we have 47 days to think. If it´s true , great! No more bush & Cheney stupid wars. Humandkind is one, but flags , borders and its stupid patrotism don´t let us be free. Welcome the ETs. No more war!
Nicolino Quiebraculos.

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to know... Given all the weird stuff that's been posted lately, it's really hard to know. I must admit, I find 'chanellers' hard to trust. There's nothing like a hippie to get me riled... But then again, all this weird stuff is happening, and things seem slightly different. And there has been this 'gradual disclosure' creeping into mainstream media. I'm going to try and put my faith in it, and then forget all about it.

Anonymous said...

umm ummm shav eye, umm ummm shav eye, swami swami, dooka dooka....

Anonymous said...

I hope you take off youre clothes in the next video. Ok sorry, its in my nature damnit.

jbug6987 said...

You know if you want my opinion, I actually believe it's going to happen. I mean look at all the stuff that has happened so far. Out the butt ufo sightings and the crop circle that basically said that they was comming at this time. Thats like the whole thing with 12/21/2012 I beileve that is going to happen to. They have so much proof to actually back it up now that more and more people r believing. yes I know they have been saying it for years and years, but honestly i think it is going to happen. All i can say if the october 14, 2008 event happens it would be cool anyways but if it does happen then all I can say is lets accept them into our lives and accept then for who they are, and the knowledge they bring us. Not shoot them down or anything because these aliens are 25,000 year technology wise ahead of us. Personally i think they could kill us all in one shoot. So please people don't judge and hrut the ones who are here to help us learn from them as well they can learn from us. I am always looking for people to talk about this with my email is j_bug6987@ayahoo.com when you leave a message under subject jus let me know that you read this so I will reply back cause I delete messages I dont recognize thanks and always remember we are not alone.....

Anonymous said...

i predict a great number of desperately disappointed earthlings. in one of 'our earth months'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder about the ramifications this might have on the society asa whole. I mean if u are an accountant would you go back to your job crunching numbers the next day? Would you put much effort into your job if u worked as a cleaner? Would'nt money then become recognized for what it is, a worthless piece of paper? Man, if something that big were to happen, can you imagine the ramifications for our prison planet? It will be a hell of a ride to witness and live through something like that. It might change the way people act towards each other. We are suddenly shown that we are all equal and everyone believes it? wow, i would love to see the look on the elite's face when nobody is around to serve them.. .........Anyway, just dreaming. Hope this thing turns out to be real, and even if it is a hoax, i would still thank the channeler for not giving us a longer time span. :) Keep searching the truth brothers and sisters

Anonymous said...

She's hot. I think I'm in love! I wasn't even paying attention to what she was saying.

Anonymous said...

messages of our lady of the roses in bayside USA


"For the time has come when the most astonishing wonders will take place on the earth and in the air.... [Satan] will have great power over nature: there will be churches built to serve these spirits. People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests...." - FROM THE APPROVED TEXT OF THE SECRET OF LA SALETTE

Veronica - Oh, there are two flying saucers now. They are going very, very high into the sky....
Our Lady - "Be not afeared, for you are being allowed to see what satan plans to delude mankind with. There is no life as you know it, or human being, or otherwise, upon another planet. The creation of the Father has been given to you in the Book of love and life. Do not fantasize of life on other planets, My children. It is a falsehood. Were it not so you would have been told, for the Father hides nothing from His children. He created man, known Adam and Eve, and as such they were the first of your--of the Father's creation. You may say, your first mother and father symbol." - Our Lady of the Roses, September 28, 1974

"They are performing now prodigies and wonders to confuse and confound mankind. You call one of them the UFOs. They are supernatural manifestations from hell. They are created in the minds of some by the demons, who are capable, because of great power upon earth, to control now the elements, nature." - Our Lady of the Roses, February 1, 1978

"While We speak of agents of hell, My child, I also wish that you make it known that there are no vehicles coming from other planets—extraterrestrial vehicles. No, My child and My children; they are agents of hell in transport. Now you may ask, why must they be transported if they are spirits? Ah, My child, this you may not understand. These are not ordinary spirits; these are the demons from hell: Satan's cohorts, and satan himself. He is also on one of the transports.
"There is a reason they must use the transports. I will not go into it at this time, for I am sure it would befog the mind of any scientist should I give this knowledge to them before they are ready for it." - Our Lady of the Roses, November 1, 1985

"I give you great grace of heart, My children, to know that many shall be taken from your earth before the great Chastisement.... Many of your news medias shall state that they have been carried off by flying saucers. Oh no, My children! They were carried off into a supernatural realm of the Eternal Father to await the return of My Son upon earth." - Our Lady of the Roses, December 7, 1976

"In this final battle, there are many agents of hell loosed upon earth. They are traveling in transports. Do not be won over to a false theory of life beyond the heavens, other than the Kingdom of God. Know that it is satan who sends these vehicles before you. They are to confuse and confound you. These objects that take flight across your earth are from hell. They are only the false miracles of your times.
"Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls." - Our Lady of the Roses, December 24, 1973

"Already satan is working his way into your consciousness, seeking to take over your minds. He is now promoting false miracles. Those you call flying saucers are images from hell. My children, if you reject the knowledge of the supernatural, you are now playing right into his hands. While he remains hidden among you, he can go about and, like a ravenous wolf, gobble up My children as they fall from grace." - Our Lady of the Roses, June 18, 1978

"There are no beings on other planets. We've explained to you about the vehicles from hell. So if you keep on wasting your country's money by looking for life on other planets, you will have more starving in your nation. And your country shall go down the drain, so to speak—economically, morally, and actually, factually destroyed." - Jesus, November 1, 1985

"You men of science, you go forward out into space, looking and searching for another world. You will find nothing. Out in space, My children, there only lies a void. The other world is across the veil; it is the world of the supernatural. Man of science is ever searching, but never coming to the knowledge of truth." - Our Lady of the Roses, September 7, 1976

"Do not look for land, do not look on another planet for life, for there is none. Only those who delude you tell you this. What you saw, My child, in the past, called a flying saucer by mankind, We have allowed many to see this. They are transports from hell. However, We have never seen a demon, My child, who has taken on a human form, except through the spirit....
"What you have now, because of the sins of mankind, all hell is loosed upon earth. Satan now knows that his time is growing short. That is the truth, My children. I tell you all: your time is growing short." - Jesus, June 18, 1992

"There will be great changes in nature upon your earth. Scientists have cast aside their God, and now demons are loosed upon earth who will set in motion diabolical manifestations within the hearts and sight of mankind." - Our Lady of the Roses, June 16, 1977
http://www.tldm.org/directives/directive... (#45)


Anonymous said...

Nothing is going to happen. trust me guys, they are lieing. No ufo is coming on 10-14-08. Lie , Fake

Anonymous said...

Hello. I'm Daniel.
It may happen. They can make it.
But who?
That's the question in my mind.
Imagine another big lie from the rulers that created religions, conducted wars, and many other actions.
What if, this is a new act of internal jobs to control us.
Religion, terrorism, and many other things they usually use, have less effect.
Please, no fear, open minds, and let's see what happens.
An Ufo appearing in the sky, on October 14 2008, would be perfect for delaying any kind of democracy (if this really exists), and most of all a way to control minds easily.
First of all, be free... informed, investigate any situation. We can do this together, discussing like brothers we are.
Do not accept a possible "new internal job" as something true at first sight.
If they are true, they will let us know directly, not through the news (always and forever manipulated)

Anonymous said...

whenever two civilizations meet the lesser developed one is either absorbed into to higher one or destroyed .either way the lower civilisation is destroyed .when the white man came to the shores of africa the natives welcomed him open hearts and minds .Is this not what we as a race are now doing welcome the Grey race with open naive hearts . are we not the future interstellar slaves .IF YOU WANT PEACE PREPARE FOR WAR.

Anonymous said...

I predict on the day of the 14th of your month October, Goodchild is going to get dropkicked in the head by a lot of people pissed that they've been taken advantage of.

Anonymous said...

well put another shrimp on the barby i saw them ther here

Anonymous said...

im a chaneler 2 i got the best chanel out ther its bullshyt chanel and it says its no bullshyt they are over austreala now afriend of mine from ther called me to say hey some wierd shit is going on here in sidney ther are som folks living in the near outback that say a spaceship is hovering over ther village right now and moving slowly tward the ushe sad hes going to the village now and thats all he said ....(((WOW)))

Anonymous said...

I live in ALABAMA. Today is Oct 14th 2008 and so far nada. I realize that Alabama may or may not be the sighting site... yet I wonder why it has not been seen anywhere else.


Anonymous said...

15 October, 11:32 GMT+1. Clear skies.

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