Sunday, April 29, 2012
Bright UFO Near ISS - International Space Station?
New UFO footage in, showing a super bright object near the ISS - International Space Station. Any ideas on what this object may be?
Posters comments: Captured on the live feed 27th Aril 2012. Video shows a glowing orb appear, the people onboard turn the camera towards it and films it until it vanishes.
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May GOD be with us all!
of note on this object is how, it is certainly in a vector. also it is ballistic. (not gaining speed). so we have a light that is constant speed coming to an angle of reference then just dimming out. no flicker. this makes it hard to say that it is a meteor. mostly because the body of it stays constant and one hue.
i am considering space junk with a bright illumination.but the direct angle of departure is interesting.
Venush or fake. The earth does not seems real :(
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