Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Flash & Loud Boom Wakes Many South Carolina Residents - Feb. 13, 2011

Calling all in South Carolina do you see the flash or the loud boom yesterday?:

"GREENVILLE, SC (FOX Carolina) -
Many people across the Upstate called FOX Carolina and said they were awakened by a loud boom and flash of light early Monday morning.

Most of the reports of the unusual phenomenon came from people living in Cherokee, Spartanburg and Greenville counties about 1:45 a.m.

Officials at the National Weather Service at the Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport said that based on eyewitness reports, the event was likely a meteor.

The Weather Service said there was a flash in the sky about 1:46 a.m. and they recorded a very faint flash with their cameras.

Spartanburg police told the Weather Service that they had received numerous calls from the public. They said that one of their officers said they saw a flash light up their car and saw various pieces disintegrate in the sky."
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M.D. Nix said...

I live in Spartanburg, SC and I was at my computer when it happened. At the time I believed it to be distant thunder. After looking out the window and seeing absolutely no clouds to speak of, I walked outside to see only darkness and sparse traffic on the nearby streets.
D@#M~! I have all this photo/video equipment poised and ready to go and I bloody missed it. life truly is a game of minute opportunities.
Several times a week, I load up the "Canons" a couple of hours before sunrise and pick a spot to document the Earth blinking its own eyes - Planets fading, Constellations exiting(stage left), the Moon, the Stars, and then, on the horizon - The darkness grudgingly yields its claim on 'Yesterday', allowing 'Today' the pleasure of washing clean the inevitible new day.

It is not at all difficult to max out 16 Gig memory card on any given morning, and if one is lucky, one can catch an intruder in the morning milieu - An anamoly that defies reasonable explanation. And not unlike the meteor that fell last night, you turn your head or blink your eye - You've missed it.

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